This is the main painterly image used to create all of the animation and colorful effects within the timeline using Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Affects, Character Animator, Illustrator, Media Encoder, and Animate. 

This is the original background used to create the video. I painted over a lot of elements and recreated new images to work with. The completed image above was taken as a screen shot of the video after the sunflower was painted to extend the petals in the video. In the video the mushroom disappears and comes from behind the sunflower like it's a UFO.

Original Gnome House

Then I use some of the clipart made to create other things too.

Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday and I will forever feel like a kid when it comes around. The gnome house was transformed into spooky Halloween houses that have fun and playful elements to them. Do you see the dancing pumpkins?

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